Monday, November 2, 2009


We think that we can be dishonest about what a word actually means and still end up being happy. But happiness is impossible this way because happiness is a function of honesty. Just because we call a person or thing a certain name does not necessarily make it so. Happiness lies in being honest to what something is and to the term that expresses what that person or thing actually is.

Our creation awards us the dual roles of lover and beloved. It is because of this that our Blessed lord was able to insist that all the law and prophets could be summed up in two commandments: To love God with all of our being, and to love our neighbor as our very selves. This is, in a high sense, what it means that love fulfills. Love given and love received is the realization of our ontological purpose.

Question: What are the only man-made things in heaven?
Answer: The nail prints on the hands and feet of Jesus, and the scar in his side.

The typical modern man practically never thinks about sex. He dreams of it, of course, by day and by night; he craves for it; he pictures it, is stimulated or depressed by it, slavers over it. But this frothing, steaming activity is not thinking. Slavering is not thinking, picturing is not thinking, craving is not thinking, dreaming is not thinking. Thinking means bringing the power of the mind to bear: thinking about sex means striving to see sex in its innermost reality and in the function it is meant to serve.

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