Friday, January 29, 2010

The 1

114 - The staggering number of times Obama referred to himself.
86 - Times Obama was interrupted by applause, almost always by his fellow Democrats.
70 - The number of minutes the speech took.
13 - Stories of people that may or may not exist.
10 - Times Obama blamed his own failures on George W. Bush.
4 - Attacks on Wall Street or bankers.
4 - Arguments with straw men.
1 - Moderation from his ultra-liberal agenda.
1 - Attempts to bully the SCOTUS
0 - New ideas.
0 - Changes in ObamaCare.
0 - Lessons learned from the failure of Porkulus.
0 - Focus on national security.

"... the most partisan, condescending State of the Union address ever. Tonight, Obama was unpresidential."

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