Monday, May 31, 2010

Her Majesty's Anti-Catholic Bigots

"...Martin wasn't the only one who expressed his distaste for Catholics -- so did Gilles Duceppe ..."

"A Roman Catholic is specifically excluded..."

"... Britain is "a profoundly anti-Catholic country".
"... a calculated insult" to Britain's Catholics as well as to Pope Benedict."
"... it would be appropriate for a Minister of State to express disquiet at such blatant Catholic-baiting?"

Update: Canada Day 2010
Although the British Monarch is bound under the Settlement Act of 1701 to discriminate against Catholics, the human person seated on that throne can personally have either a preference, or a distaste for the discrimination enforced under this unjust code. The current Monarch seems to prefer the discrimination remain in place.

"The Queen is believed to have responded coolly to proposals for reform."

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